Get a Florida General Contractor's License

There are two types of licenses in the state of Florida. The first is a 'registered' contractors license. This type of license is a local license, and you must it from the city or county in which you plan to perform the work. There's also a certified license. This allows a contractor to work anywhere in the state of Florida.

Who Issues General Contractor Licenses & Permits in the State of Florida?

The Department of Business and Professional Regulation in the state of Florida is the entity which issues certified contractors licenses. The certified licenses the Board issues range in everything from general contracting to mechanical, gas line, and even solar.

How Do I Become a Licensed Certified General Contractor?

To be issued a certified license, you must take a two-day open book in multiple choice exam. Part one of the exam tests business in financial skills, and part 2 tests your knowledge in the trade. You must pass all parts of the exam, meet all the education and experience requirements, demonstrate financial responsibility, and have workers compensation coverage. Along with your application, you must also include a credit report.

What if I Got My Permit In Another State? Does it Work in FL?

You may qualify for the trade exam if you prove you got your license by passing exam the first time. Also, you must have experience equal to let the board requires and documentation which explains what types of work you are licensed to perform. Florida does not have any endorsement agreements with other states.